Deputy Provincial Grand Master drops in
Monday 15th December found VW Bro Keith Beardmore with a free evening, due to the rearrangement of a business meeting. So with permission of the Provincial Grand Master he decided to pay a visit to St Annes and Semper Fidelis Mark Lodge No 880 who were advancing a candidate.
The candidate, Bro Terry Steven-Lewin, is a member if Fairhaven Craft Lodge meeting at the Palace St Annes so Semper was the ideal choice for a Mark Lodge.
VW Bro Keith arrived just after the Worshipful Master had entered in procession, to give more of a surprise feeling to his visit and as he said later to put the brethren in office at ease, not expecting him.
It also gave the Dep. PGM a few minutes to speak with the candidate outside whilst the Lodge was being opened.
It did however take the Lodge DC, W Bro Bill Swindlehurst a little aback when the Lodge Tyler, W Bro Rickie Barnes, gave the report that Pr. Ass. Dep. DC, W. Bro David Bell, was outside the door seeking admission and the brethren were further surprised when he in turn announced the Dep. PGM.
After putting the WM, Bro David Lawn, at his ease VW Bro. Keith settled back to witness a delightful advancement ceremony. The WM taking the first part and then inviting W Bro Howard Emmett to take the second half of the ceremony. W Bro John Barnes acted faultlessly as the SD and W Bro Geoff Worsley gave an excellent rendition of the tools. To add further to the evening Bro Abdul Benashour SW was elected WM for the ensuing year and then at any other business there were two Grand Lodge Certificates for presentation.
The WM invited the Dep. PGM to present them which he did along with the address, commenting that he did on occasion have to "sing for his supper" but on this particular evening as he was only there for the ceremony would not be fed for his efforts.
VW. Bro Keith and W Bro David left as the WM and brethren sat down to a festive dinner.
All in all a splendid evening of excellent Mark ritual which was very warming on such a cold evening outside.
Article by, VW. Bro Keith Beardmore Dep. PGM.